
Hello Friends,

I am Renae THE AbFabNerd… a Charming Compilation Creatively Co-expressing Conflicting Characteristics, a Gemini Germinating Genuine Grounding Guidance, a Humble Harbinger Helping Heal Humanity. I am a Scientist. I am a NERD… to my core.  Cell-signaling diagrams, organic chemistry reactions, complex mathematical equations and Mozart make my nerd brain TINGLE.

I’d like to talk with you about mental health…

I don’t have a special license, but what I do have is life experience.  Having myself been in the trenches struggling with mental health and addiction issues, I understand the challenges of trying to overcome them. There are many tools I have collected on my journey, tools I share with you to aid you on your journey of healing and personal growth by prioritizing self-care and mindfulness.

AbFabNerd provides supplemental resources (bag of tools) with an alliterative approach for people seeking to navigate mental health.  Our goal is to empower people to begin healing themselves.  We provide Online resources, On-demand downloads, courses, and journaling planners to make mental health care more accessible to those who need it, when they need it.

May we continue to learn and grow.

Please Prioritize Self-Care and Mindfulness!

All My Love,


absolutely fabulous nerd

